This term in gymnastics we have been learning to develop jumping and landing safely, balancing and taking weight on different body parts and copy and create short sequences by linking actions together. We can make shapes with our bodies including straddle, pike and tuck. We have also learned how to bunny hop, spider walk and do a forward roll!
Monday 24th April 2023
To launch our new topic 'Lost in Space ' the Reception children have be participating in astronaut training.
The children have engaged with different activities as part of their day:
Working collaboratively as a group to build their own rocket using giant foam bricks.
Learning about and looking through telescopes and kaleidoscopes.
A fitness station include a mini treadmill and exercise bike because as astronauts have to be fit and healthy in order to go to space.
And a mini planetarium that projected the stars and planets onto the celling for the children to talk about and observe.