At QPIA we believe that everyone can be successful in Maths. It is our vision and expectation that all children enjoy, are curious about and have an understanding of maths and in so doing become life-long learners in the subject. We understand the importance of all pupil contributions; the ability to talk about mathematics using correct vocabulary and to explain their thinking. We aim to inspire the children to persevere and succeed, achieving the very best they can.
Our children learn Maths through a ‘Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract’ (CPA) approach- a highly effective methodology to teaching, which develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in children. Here, the children progress through the three logical steps of learning to reach a sound understanding of concepts.
They are as follows:
Concrete –children use objects to help them understand what they are doing.
Pictorial –children build on this concrete approach by using pictorial representations. These representations can be used to reason and solve problems.
Abstract – with the foundations firmly laid, children are able to move to an abstract approach using numbers, symbols and key concepts with confidence.
In our maths lessons we follow the White Rose Maths scheme and complement the curriculum content from; Deepening Understanding, The National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Maths, (NCETM), CAME Maths, NRich and other first-rate resources.
We use the White Rose ‘small steps to progression’ plans. These small steps are a series of learning objectives that children need to understand in order to progress onto more challenging lessons. These ‘steps’ follow a logical coherent path for children to follow and prevents gaps in knowledge, whilst also helping them to make connections between maths topics.
In addition, we use the Coastal Learning Partnership Maths, (CLP) long term (LTP) and medium term plans (MTP). The MTP essentially assist teachers when planning a sequence of lessons around a subject area.
Our classrooms are well resourced with a variety of manipulatives, which support mathematical thinking and assist the children when explaining their reasoning.
At QPIA, we ensure that the Maths curriculum is accessible to all pupil abilities through differentiation and hard and soft scaffolding support.
Lesson Structure:
We understand that revisiting learning deepens understanding while reinforcing knowledge, concepts and procedures. In Years 1 and 2, previous learning is revisited for the first few minutes of every lesson so the pupil’s have a better grasp of their learning and we aim to ensure that knowledge is transferred into the long-term memory in order for it to become deeply embedded.
Lesson inputs are led by the teacher and all abilities of children are taught through whole class teaching. If children struggle to understand concepts we aim to provide targeted support within a small group intervention to learn the concept in a different way.
Number Fact Fluency KS 1:
This year, in addition to our maths lessons we are beginning to introduce the teaching scheme ‘Number Sense Maths’ to support children to become automatic in addition and subtraction number facts by the end of Year Two. We are getting started in teaching these 15 minute sessions, three times each week. Number Sense Maths provides a systematic and structured programme of work which develops children’s understanding of the number system and in turn supports them to make connections, aiding recall. Number Sense Maths teaches twelve calculation strategies to support children in learning a core set of number facts. Each strategy has a coloured poster which can be used a prompt for the children whilst they are still learning and need additional support. Once the class has been taught a strategy, the poster will be displayed and the corresponding calculations (matching in colour) will also be added to the chart.
Our maths overview follows the White Rose Scheme of Learning.
At QPIA we believe it is essential to teach correct formations when children begin to write their own numbers. Each digit, from 0-10, has a short rhyme as an effective way to make forming numbers fun.
In every classroom, posters are on display to support the teaching and learning of the correct formations. Teaching number formation with the correct starting points and the correct path to follow when forming a number allows a motor memory to be effectively laid down in the brain.
QPIA recognises communication and language development as a key driver in the teaching of mathematics.
The National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Maths, (NCETM) highlights the importance of expressing mathematical ideas orally as it enhances the understanding of mathematical concepts and the ability to reason mathematically.
It states, ‘Teaching children specific mathematical vocabulary encourages precision, giving pupils a door on the world of the mathematician. It also supports those with English as an additional language to participate on equal terms with their English-speaking peers.
At QPIA, we support children in beginning mathematical talk by:
The expectation within every Maths lessons is that our pupils speak in full sentences, explaining their thoughts, methods and connections in order to prove the accuracy of their responses.