QPIA Local Governing Body
The Local Governing Body is made up of 12 governors:
Headteacher - Tracey Edwards
2 Parent Governors - Rachael Ford and Carly Joseph
Staff Governors - Aysha Donald and Michelle Lucas
6 Co- opted Governors- Alexandra Brocklesby, Jon Travell, Laila Saeed, Mark Truesdale, 3 vacancies
The main task of the LGB is to provide overall governance for the direction of the school. They report to the Coastal Learning Partnership Board. Board of Governors has legal responsibilities which are, broadly, these;
The whole LGB meets monthly each term. Committees meet as necessary, to carry out their duties. All Governors can be contacted through the school.
A register of pecuniary interests is performed annually and obtained when a new Governor joins. Any business interests are declared at each meeting.
The structure of the LGB is shown below
Safeguarding - Alexandria Brockelsby
Health and Safety - Mark Truesdale
SEND/PP Jon Travell
Equalities- Carly Joseph
Pay Committee: Alexandria Brockelsby, Rachael Ford and Carly Joseph
Headteacher Performance Management: Jon Travell and Alexandria Brockelsby
Admissions Committee- any 3 govenors
Exclusion, Grievance and Appeals: any 3 eligible Govenors
Term of office - 01.09.16 to present
I am very happy to say that I have been Head Teacher at Queen's Park Infant Academy since September 2016. Before this time I was the Deputy Head Teacher at Stourfield Infant School in Southbourne. I have been teaching since 1993 and have been working in Bournemouth since 1996. I am passionate about high quality teaching experiences that motivate, nurture and inspire all young children to achieve their very best. I will always want to put the interests of the children first. I value team work and the commitment and enthusiasm that makes this the best it can be. I am married to Gareth and we now live in West Moors where my rather long garden, including vegetable patches, and hive of bees keeps me busy.
Term of office - 17.12.19 to present
I am a Senior Business Designer working for Nationwide Building Society. My role is to help guide businesses in improving processes, products, services and software through data analysis as well as looking at business models and how a business integrates with technology. I am excited to be bringing my 13 years of experience in the Financial Services Industry to the QPIA governing body. On a selfish note, I am a proud dad to two young boys with the oldest just starting in Reception year, and I am looking forward to working alongside the rest of the board in enabling QPIA to run as effectively as possible and support our very capable teachers in providing excellent education to all our kids.
Term of office - 11.05.21 to present
I am an engagement project officer working full time for the National Trust; working on numerous projects to support local communities, businesses and visitors within Purbeck and Dorset to improve health and wellbeing, get active and connect to nature. My job is about working strategically, creating and embedding positive change and building relationships - skills I bring to my role of governor at QPIA. Brought up in South East London, West Africa and Reading, I'm not from Bournemouth but spent many happy childhood summers here. I now live locally and am parent to two children at QPIA.
Term of office - 18.09.17 to present
I have been working full time at Queen’s Park Infant Academy since September 2010. I graduated in 2000 having trained in Southampton, I began my career in the city then have worked in Bournemouth since 2002. I have experience of serving as a Governor in a Bournemouth school. I believe that school should be a place where children are nurtured and inspired through the teaching and learning experiences they are involved in. I value working as part of a team with all the advantages that this brings. In my spare time I enjoy listening to a wide range of music styles, both live and on the radio, and in recent years I have begun sewing again; a skill learnt from my Grandmother when I was a child.
Term of office - 01.06.21 to present
I joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor in 2021. It is a privilege to support the school develop and maintain high levels of provision for our children at QPIA. I am the link Governor for Special Educational Needs and Pupil Premium Grant, responsible for helping ensure the school gives every child the opportunity to grow and reach their potential. I work as a consultant anaesthetist locally. My medical background brings an understanding of child health and many transferable skills to the role. I have 3 children, one of whom is currently at QPIA. In our spare time we love having adventures in our campervan.
Term of office - 12.11.22 to present
I am a mum of three children, my oldest is in year 1. I am also a family support worker, working for BCP Council. I have been doing this role since 2015. I support vulnerable families by empowering them to make better choices to look after their own families. This can range from supporting them with their parenting abilities to supporting individuals to leave unhealthy relationships. I am also trained to facilitate parenting courses that support parents to cope with challenging behaviours, to help them understand the importance of having an attachment with their child. These transferable skills will be used in my role as Governor in understanding the complexities of family life and how this can have an impact on a child’s education. I am looking forward to being a part of the Governing Body and supporting the school to achieve their overall goals.
Laila Saeed – Co-opted Governor
Term of office – 16/12/2022 – Present
I am a proud mum of three and one of my children is currently in school. I am passionate about mental health, especially children’s mental health. I am currently volunteering as an Adult Befriender at Dorset Mind. I bring Counselling skills, Awareness of Mental Health Problems, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), stress management, and tools for emotional healing as a Governor and would be delighted to learn more.
I love baking with my kids (believe it or not, they always ask for brownies), long walks in nature, reading, writing (especially writing while sitting under a big shady tree), and currently deciding on which book to write about 😉
It is a privilege to be part of a wonderful team and I am excited to work alongside committed team members dedicated to running the school with efficacy.
Term of office -18/01/2023 - present
After several years in working in scientific research I have spent almost 25 years in business roles in the Biotechnology area, most recently as CEO of a Dorset-based company providing technology for pharmaceutical companies developing the latest medicines and therapies. I am looking forward to bringing the broad experience I have gained to the governing body of QPIA. I have lived in Bournemouth for over 20 years with my wife and 3 children and have previously been a parent governor at another infants school in Bournemouth.
If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please send correspondence to the following address:
School Office
Queen's Park Infant Academy
East Way
or send an email enquiry to Beth.Stannard@coastalpartnership.co.uk
Scheme of Delegation 2022-2023
Governors Meeting Attendance Data as of March 2021
100% Mrs Tracey Edwards
100% Mrs Sue Varley (RETIRED)
80% Mrs Jennifer Ledun (RETIRED)
100% Mrs Fran Blanchard (RETIRED)
100% Miss Michelle Lucas
100% Mr Yasutomo Hunter (RETIRED)
100% Mr Jon Travell
100% Rev Jennifer Nightingale (RETIRED)