This year our school has made the decision to work towards Eco-Schools Green Flag accreditation, you can find out more on the Eco-Schools website here:
With the world beginning to experience the effects of climate change; different species of plant and animals becoming extinct every day; and micro-plastics being found in the most remote locations on Earth - now, is the time to educate future generations about the impact of our actions on the planet we call home.
The Eco-Schools programme does this through providing a simple seven-step framework that has been designed to raise awareness of environmental issues whilst empowering young people to make a positive difference by taking a lead on environmental actions and projects in their school and local community.
Within Eco-Schools’ simple framework young people have the freedom to decide on the environmental issues they would like to tackle, represented by ten Eco-Schools topics. Once young people have chosen their topics, they decide what actions they would like to take and how they are going to involve their school and community. The seven step process takes around one academic year to complete and culminates in an Eco-Schools’ assessor looking over a school’s application and evidence, with a view to recognising and celebrating their achievements.
Well done to all children and families for supporting our walk to school scheme.
We are number one for combined activity and engagement in the local authority and twenty-fifth in the entire country!!!!!
Well done everyone and keep up the active travels 🙂
Mr Waller - Outdoor learning lead
What a great half term of Eco school activities it has been!
We continue our extremely popular walk to school programme, which sees Dragonflies take the trophy for the most active class in March. Well done Dragonflies.
Here is a list of the top three classes this month…
1st Dragonflies 89%
2nd Badgers 82%
3rd Butterflies 82%
Keep up the great work everyone!
Our Eco leaders have been very busy this month taking part in the Great British Spring Clean.
Back for its ninth year, the Great British Spring Clean is the nation’s biggest mass-action environmental campaign. The country wide event saw 407,420 bags of rubbish pledged to be picked up by children and adults from 15th – 31st March.
Our children did their part by collecting four small bags of rubbish from the road outside our school and the entrance to the wooded area nearby. Our intention was to litter pick all the way to Strouden Park but there was so much rubbish on our streets, we didn’t get very far. We plan on going for another litter pick in the Summer term.
Our children are doing their part to clean up our streets and you can do your bit too by always remembering to put your rubbish in the bin!
February was a very successful month in our walk to school challenge, with 246 children across the school earning their highland cow badge!
Well done everybody and keep up the good work.
The top 3 active classes in February were...
1st Butterflies 83% active travels
2nd Grasshoppers 82% active travels
3rd Badgers 79% active travels
Mr Waller
Eco Lead
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are excited to announce that we are starting a national walk to school scheme this term. This is linked to our Eco Schools work and the children have learned all about it in Assembly this week with our Eco Leads. We are doing this because we want to make our world a cleaner, healthier place to be. We are encouraging our children and families to walk, cycle or scoot to school more than perhaps they have. It doesn’t matter how we travel to school as long as we are more active!
Each day your child’s teacher will record how each child travels to school through the travel tracker website.
As you know, the more you walk the better you will feel. The more the children are active on their journey to school the more chance the children will have of earning a badge. Children must have at least one active travel to school a week to qualify to earn a badge at the end of each month. Here is a picture of the current badge children are working towards this January.
We do know that some families live too far away to walk, scoot or cycle to school, some suggestions of how to incorporate our active walk scheme are; park your car a little further away than usual, then walk in, or perhaps get off the bus a stop earlier and walk in to school.
We are trialling this program until Easter but we hope to continue past that date and make this part of our day-to-day life in school. It encourages a healthy, active lifestyle as well as tackling issues that can have a long-lasting impact on our planet. These are two areas that are very important to us as a school.
We look forward to hearing about your active travels to school and seeing how many badgers your children can earn.
Mr Waller
Eco School Lead
The Eco leaders did a fantastic job as they completed a litter survey around our local area. The looked for rubbish along the pavement outside of our school, through a wooded area near the school and at Strouden park playing fields. We were shocked at how much litter we found lying around on the floor! The Eco leaders will be writing an article for the upcoming news letter sharing our findings.
Mr Waller
Bobby (Badgers), Joseph (Foxes), Georgia (Hedgehogs), Acer (Otters), Elsie (Butterflies), Alpha (Bumblebees), Manha (Grasshoppers) and Harrison (Dragonflies).